‘The Night Garden’ by Polly Horvath
By Anita Daher
Whether Narnia, a small Swedish village, or something else entirely, we’ve all read novels set in a world we’d love to hang out in for a while. For me, such a place is the one the seaside property author Polly Horvath created in The Night Garden (Farrar Strauss, Puffin Canada), her recently launched 16th novel. It is, according to the back cover, a story about a magical garden that grants wishes. MORE >
Youthful Appetite
‘The Night Garden’ by Polly HorvathWhether Narnia, a small Swedish village, or something else entirely, we’ve all read novels set in a world we’d love to hang out in for a while. For me, such a place is the one the seaside property author Polly Horvath created in The Night Garden (Farrar Strauss, Puffin Canada), her recently launched 16th novel. It is, according to the back cover, a story about a magical garden that grants wishes. MORE >
Offshore Drilling: Reviews In Translation
‘Not One Day’ by Anne GarrétaBy Jeff Bursey
At the beginning of the end of summer I spent pleasurable time reading reminiscences written by an unnamed narrator we are encouraged to think of as Anne Garréta, often referring to herself as “you,” that were composed according to a guideline (one of many) confidently outlined in the “Ante Scriptum” to Not One Day: MORE >
From the Editor's Desk
Goodbye to All ThisBy Maurice Mierau
As a serial procrastinator, I have procrastinated more than usual over the writing of this column, because its subject matter marks the end of something I care about very much: the end of this enterprise, The Winnipeg Review. The difficult decision to terminate publication was entirely mine. Six years of running on a shoestring made me long for thicker string and a better shoe, but those longings remain unfulfilled. MORE >
From the Editor's Desk
A book list for the anti-hyggeBy Julienne Isaacs
Okay, you got us: we haven’t actually reviewed “all you need to read” in our Fall edition—not by a long shot, considering publishers’ crowded launch lineups during the book business’ busiest time of year. But we can offer you a place to start, one stemming from a unique vantage point in Canadian publishing. MORE >